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Saturday, October 24, 2009
[Whats the error?]

Red: JT, whats an error of comission and whats an error of principle?

JT: Error of comission is when you enter an entry in the wrong account

Red: Then whats error of principle?

JT: Miss Wan Ching

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Posted by THEOracle at 7:10 PM

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Friday, October 16, 2009
[My Gallery: Emoticon]

I was browsing through facebook photos of random people when I came across
this one.
I like xD

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Posted by THEOracle at 8:56 PM

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
[Im not who I was]

I maybe look the same
(except for the extremely bushy hair, which I promise I will cut soon)
but deep in me, Im not.

After my stolen Wifi got stolen,
my social status really got down.
I limited my social circles to the one I see everyday,
and end up feeling very empty inside.
I thought I would be okay but Im not.

And than, I am becoming what some say
Maybe one way to do solve this is by
getting a new image for myself.
Starting with a shave.

My best buddy Jazz told me myself,
"You gotta step up!"
....okay I forgot what exactly he said to me.

So yeah, what should I do?

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Posted by THEOracle at 9:41 PM

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